Friday, October 1, 2010

My Secret Dream

My secret dream began since my youth when I was playing football with  neighbors children , and then i realized my love for this sport.I have always been watching football matches on television and I see myself with them  with the same magnificence of the performance and perhaps better than them .

Football is not an ordinary sport as many people would think ,it gives  love of competition and the desire to  win and that's inturn will reflects on other aspects of life.

I grew up and dreamed of becoming a football player in Barcelona and I always repeated this idea to my family.For me it was an easy and achievable dream , until I grew up and entered high school and then I understood that it requires a lot of sacrifices.

So I decided that my future is more important than some of my dreams .. Maybe one day i will became a player in Barcelona FC .


  1. Well thought-out and written blog.
    Don't stop practicing football, you never know who's watching

  2. Maybe one day your dream becomes true

    god with you

    keep write in blog
