Friday, December 10, 2010

My Biggest Challenge

  The English language is very difficult for Non-English speaking people,
to learn well. when I was in high school I had a hard time 
 learning english language inorder to particibate with my teacher.

 This problem really put me down and made me hate English.

  oneday I decided to end this problem I started to look at my problem
with diffrent view I started to watch english movies ,try to read english books and highlighted the new words.

I continued to do these steps and I noticed that I improve in my way of speaking ,
 and with the days ,I got better and better which is the thing that made me proud of my self to cross all my problems , and teach me to deal with all my problems in the future .

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Hajj Vacation

 So many people going to do hajj this year , they about 3,000,000 , and so many people were travling . In the hajj vacation i was staying at home , and playing videogames all the time . i think the vacation pass so quickly and it was boring .

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Best Friend

 My best friend is yazeed . I met him in high school ,we have lots of common things , we both fans of  Hilal fc , we both play football , also we love to play balot .We also share every thing together . We still friends in University, too.

Monday, October 18, 2010

My Clutter

I always throw my clothes around the room if I'm hurry,When
 I back at night I see my room dirty
and I feel  I'm dirty, but I'm not .
These is my real problem,and I hope I fix these problem.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Favorite Snack

  My favorite snack food would have to be nachos . I love  nachos a lot. My favorite kind is spicy nachos. I like eating them and drink cola . I usually have dressing with them, like blue cheese dressing.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What's the most interesting place you've ever been to?

One of the most interesting places I went to. Is the Holly mosque in Makkah .

It's the greatest mosque in Islam , and it's a symbol of muslims everywhere.

When I see muslims gathering in there it makes me feel the unity of muslims , it's a wonderful feeling.

I always love to pray there.

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Secret Dream

My secret dream began since my youth when I was playing football with  neighbors children , and then i realized my love for this sport.I have always been watching football matches on television and I see myself with them  with the same magnificence of the performance and perhaps better than them .

Football is not an ordinary sport as many people would think ,it gives  love of competition and the desire to  win and that's inturn will reflects on other aspects of life.

I grew up and dreamed of becoming a football player in Barcelona and I always repeated this idea to my family.For me it was an easy and achievable dream , until I grew up and entered high school and then I understood that it requires a lot of sacrifices.

So I decided that my future is more important than some of my dreams .. Maybe one day i will became a player in Barcelona FC .